.Here's some of the beers you can expect to be available for purchase this week:
Pomona Island, an award winning craft brewery based in Salford, have entertained us with some of the best and most appropriate beer names we've seen to date. Bringing back that warm nostalgic feeling with each reference they come out with, whether it's an old quote from a movie or an album/song title long forgotten.
The Moon is a Hollow Spacecraft
Several science fiction books of the early 20th century, including H.G. Wells’ The First Men in the Moon, take place within a hollow moon inhabited by aliens. In 1970 two Soviet scientists took this seemingly whimsical premise a step further, proposing that the moon is actually a shell-like alien spacecraft built by extraterrestrials with superior technology and intelligence. According to astronomers, the moon—though admittedly enigmatic as far as celestial bodies go—couldn’t maintain its mass and gravitational field if it lacked a dense core. (Read Hollow Moon) Our first tap takeover since pre-covid - we are lucky to have the team from Nova Runda in Croatia in house at Lendal on Saturday 4th September. Come down and meet them, they are the number one craft brewery in Croatia. Here's the tap line up for the day, some fantastic beers to try! Fruit Expo // NE IPA with Passion fruit and Guava // 7.5% Abv // Untappd 8.6% Fruity Collab with Croatian breweries Varionica and Zmajska Pivovara Apricot Biscuit // Pastry Sour with Apricots // 5.4% Abv // Untappd 3.88 Beer Cake series has only one goal - to experiment with different ingredients which power up basic beer ingredients. Apricot biscuit is a beer brewed with vanilla, lactose, and a lot of apricots! Blueberry Pancake // Pastry Sour with Blueberries // 5.9% Abv // Untappd 4.01 Pastry sour brewed with lactose, vanilla, and large quantities of blueberries. Strataspheric Discharge // NE IPA // 6.1% Abv // Untappd 4.09 All those hops concentrated in the atmosphere needed one powerful discharge. Strata is falling from the sky!!! DA-IPA // NE IPA // 5.7% Abv // Untappd 3.88 Hazy? Hoppy? Hell yeah! Columbus, Citra and Simcoe are band members in this ho(i)ppy van full of fruity instruments! Top Manager // NE PA // 5.3% Abv // Untappd 3.87 Mosaic, Citra and Styrian Wolf are fruity ingredients in this New England pale ale. Modern twist to classic American pale ale, Top Manager is your Summer Go-To beer! C4 // American IPA // 6.1% Abv // Untappd 3.91 IPA made with 4 hops. Chinook, Citra, Centennial and Cascade. Back to Mars // NE IPA // 7.2% Abv // Untappd 3.8 When you're smuggling booze to Mars, you have to be sure it's worth the trouble. NEIPA brewed with Vic Secret, Citra and Chinook. For more info on Nova Runa visit their website here.
Here's one of Nova Runda's favourite Croatian bands to get you into that beer drinking mood.
Nova Runda have also collabed with Croatian band ThroaTTwisteR - Check them out here |
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October 2024